
I am so excited to share these amazing proposals with you. I have absolutely loved reading through them myself and after talking to each of them they loved reliving their exciting experiences through writing them.

You will see when you read them how personal they are to each couple. I hope you enjoy 🙂

Gemma & Will

How did they propose? Where were you? Did the location or ring mean anything to you?

As we had the ring made together I knew he was going to propose at some point as we have been talking about it for ages, it was going to happen at some point so as a surprise, I bought my Husband to be a beautiful watch so I would be able to surprise him also (which I carried around for a few weeks just incase ‘Today was going to be the day!’ We walked our favourite 12 miles of coast path with a sea swim half way which in winter was amazing and fresh but extremely cold definitely needed the rest of the walk to warm up again! We then continued just in time to get to our spot overlooking the Kingswear Estuary leading out of Dartmouth to watch the sun set which is when Will proposed (and so did I) …hehe!

What was the most memorable part of the proposal?

His face when he proposed and then I did, with the watch too!! He was so shocked however it was important for me that he was celebrated too as it was ‘Our Engagement Day’.

What was most important part to you?

 The whole day was just us and no one else and we soaked it up doing our favourite things laughing, walking and sea swimming. It was amazing that we were able to just be together with no one else around.

Was there anything funny that didn’t go to plan but made it all part of it?

Will got the champagne out of the bag and said “I suppose we should celebrate” in hope that I was going to say “Celebrate what?” and he laughed and knew what was happening so we started to laugh, then asked me to stand up and it got all serious haha!

How did you feel straight after? (Did you want to tell anyone, did you take in the scenery)? 

 Luckiest girl in the entire world, he was super thoughtful and had our favourite cheeses and some crackers in another tub to have with our Champers, I felt like I wanted to burst! Luckily Will was setting up the Go Pro to catch the sunset so videoed the lot and was able to spend the evening with parents and watch it back all together which was really special.

How did you feel a couple of days after? 

Absolutely buzzing for weeks after still thinking is this real?!

How much did you and do you still stare at your ring? 

We look at it every day, its so beautiful and exactly what we wanted its so special as we made it together.

Did you have a feeling anything was up before hand? 

Haha! Yes Will was absolutely faffing like mad and even though we were both aware that we were about to get engaged and laughing, however as soon as he asked me to stand up, only then it actually became real.

Any advice you can give someone who is thinking of proposing? 

Do it for you and no one else. Do what you enjoy. I enjoyed the fact that we made the whole day into something that we both absolutely love and now its a memory we will never forget.

Rowan & Conor

How did they propose? Where were you? Did the location or ring mean anything to you?

We were meant to be spending 2 and a half weeks in America around the time of our 10th anniversary. But COVID cancelled that. Then we planned to be in the Lake District on our anniversary. But that had to be cancelled because of lockdown 2. We still wanted to mark our anniversary so we had a couple of days off. The day before we went for a dog walk at Kynance Cove. We stopped for some hot drinks we brought and Conor asked if I wanted to take a photo with the dogs. So he put his phone on a tripod and we stood together in front of the amazing beach. I wondered why he was keeping his hand in his coat pocket, and then he turned around and got down on one knee! And turns out he was videoing the whole thing.


What was the most memorable part of the proposal?

Being completely shocked he had proposed to me! And the ring was a gorgeous ring. Conor doesn’t really like jewellery so this means the world to me.

What was most important part to you?

That even after 10 years, he was nervous to ask me. That he asked my dad! That he had planned it to be in front of the Grand Canyon. That he then planned it to be at surprise view in the lakes.

Was there anything funny that didn’t go to plan but made it all part of it?

The dogs weren’t sitting still for the photo so I got annoyed and gave up in the end

How did you feel straight after? (Did you want to tell anyone, did you take in the scenery)? 

We sat back down and talked about all his plans that didn’t go according, and that he had planned it a year ago. I felt like we had a huge secret and I couldn’t wait to tell all my family and friends

How did you feel a couple of days after? 

Still special as I slowly told family, then put it on social.

How much did you and do you still stare at your ring? 

All the time

Did you have a feeling anything was up before hand? 

Like I said to Conor. It’s been 10 years, I’ve had many moments wondering if it was going to happen haha!

Any advice you can give someone who is thinking of proposing? 

End of the day it doesn’t matter where you are that this is such a special moment that will make her feel special no matter what

Abbey & Andrew

How did they propose? Where were you? Did the location or ring mean anything to you?

We were on holiday in the summer in Cornwall and Andrew was insistent on a BBQ on Porthcurno beach. As the sun was setting, both of us in our trackies and big jumpers, he asked me to marry him. We’d been to Porthcurno before and love the sea so a beach was the perfect spot. The ring was designed and made with Steph – it is the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. It has four small diamonds and an ocean diamond in the centre with a wave engraved either side as we both love the sea. It was a really surprise and so meaningful to me.

What was the most memorable part of the proposal?

Seeing the ring on the blanket, smiling and crying while trying to say YES!


What was most important part to you?

 Being comfortable and completely myself. It was ‘us’ to a tee.

Was there anything funny that didn’t go to plan but made it all part of it?

We both had to go for a wee behind the rock before he did it!

How did you feel straight after? (Did you want to tell anyone, did you take in the scenery)? 

Amazing. We stayed on the beach to watch the sun set and I couldn’t stop staring at my ring. I wanted it to be just us for a while until we told anyone so we waited until the next morning. I’m glad we waited as we got so many messages we didn’t speak to each other for a good half an hour!


How did you feel a couple of days after? 

Still in shock, felt like I was going to wake up from a dream. Overwhelmed by the well wishes and excited for our future. I still couldn’t believe this person wanted to spend their life with me!

How much did you and do you still stare at your ring? 

SO much (as I’ve mentioned above!) – I wear it everyday, even at work which I am not supposed to. It makes me feel special everyday even when I’m a sweaty mess! It brings back so many memories and makes me smile at what is to come.

Did you have a feeling anything was up before hand? 

No idea! I was stuffing my face with a veggie burger in my own little merry world!

Any advice you can give someone who is thinking of proposing? 

Just be yourself.

Kirsty & Ian

How did they propose? Where were you? Did the location or ring mean anything to you?

Ian proposed in Lanzarote on our proper alone holiday together. He got down on one knee which I loved and in a place at the resort that we both really liked.

What was the most memorable part of the proposal?

The most memorable part was the fact that i was too busy trying to feed a stray cat that I didn’t notice he was trying to propose and he kept asking me to turn around and stop feeding the cat because he had to ask me something

What was most important part to you?

It was the thought he had put into it all. It was so special. He had asked my dad’s permission, chosen the perfect place and picked the ring that I really wanted. I had always said to Ian that I never wanted a public proposal and he made sure that we were the only two around. It was perfect

Was there anything funny that didn’t go to plan but made it all part of it?

 Ian didn’t have any where to put the ring box as it was too big to put in his pocket so he put it in his sock under his trousers so I wouldn’t notice it, but it was so painful so he said the the whole evening his ankle was so sore that he couldn’t wait to pop the question

How did you feel straight after? (Did you want to tell anyone, did you take in the scenery)? 

I was so shocked. It was such a surreal feeling but so exciting. I think I messaged my family straight away to let them know. It was such a lovely evening so we went for a bit of a walk after so we got to enjoy the scenery


How did you feel a couple of days after? 

 It took a while to sink it but I loved the feeling. I kept calling Ian my fiance (which probably annoyed after the millionth time). I also couldn’t stop staring staring at my ring.

How much did you and do you still stare at your ring? 

Stared at it all the time. And I think I even used my left hand more than normal for just because I enjoyed looking at. I do still look at my ring slot and also my hand feels naked if I forget to put it back on.

Did you have a feeling anything was up before hand? 

Not at all. When we arrived at the hotel I completely unpacked both of our bags so I have absolutely no idea where he kept the ring! And he proposed half way through our holiday and was completely relaxed so I didn’t suspect anything

Any advice you can give someone who is thinking of proposing? 

I would suggest that it means so much when thought has been put in to the proposal. Whether it is choosing the ring the person would love or finding the perfect place to ask the question, and even the way they ask the question. It was the thought that Ian put into it that meant so much to me as it just shows how much the person cares and knows you.

Jade & Lee

How did they propose? Where were you? Did the location or ring mean anything to you?

Lee took me to Barcelona & proposed at the hotel on our first morning. He’d made a romantic speech and the ring box was a rose nestled in a box of Ferrero Rocher. My ring was made by my very talented sister.

What was the most memorable part of the proposal?

His very romantic speech 

What was most important part to you?

My sister had made my ring and it was to a design I loved

How did you feel straight after? (Did you want to tell anyone, did you take in the scenery)? 

Very excited, I literally wanted to tell everyone 🙂

How did you feel a couple of days after? 

Even more excited as I got to actually start booking and buying stuff that I’d been planning since I was a little girl.

How much did you and do you still stare at your ring? 

All the time it was so shiny. It still catches my eye because it’s so pretty

Did you have a feeling anything was up before hand? 

Yes, but I didn’t know it would be abroad, I normally plan everything especially holidays so it was a big deal for him

Any advice you can give someone who is thinking of proposing? 

Listen to hints your girlfriend may be dropping

So I had actually planned this blog before but I am so excited that Daniel proposed to me at the end on November so I am even able to take part so here’s ours 🙂

Steph & Dan

How did they propose? Where were you? Did the location or ring mean anything to you?

We went for a walk to one of our favourite local walks up Tren Crom. It is a special place for us with a few special memories already. It has the most beautiful panoramic views of two different coasts, St. Michael’s Mount & St.Ives Bay. As you will know it was always going to be a hard task for Daniel to know what to do about a ring, but he smashed it and surprised me with a ring he designed and got a jeweller to help him create it.

What was the most memorable part of the proposal?

The most memorable part for me was where we were and how beautiful the day was. The weather was perfect, we could see so far up the coast and there was no one there so we got to enjoy the moment all by ourselves. 

What was most important part to you?

The most important for me which Daniel knew, was that it was done with just us two. I’m not one for having attention and everyone looking at me so I knew I would always want it to be personal to us.

Was there anything funny that didn’t go to plan but made it all part of it?

Walking up I said to Daniel I’m not having any photos at the top if there’s people there and then when we got to the top I started taking photos of St.Micheals Mount and Daniel was freaking out because no one was there and he was worried someone would turn up, but I didn’t realise this until after it all happened and he mentioned that I was fafing taking photos. (Oops, I’m sure non of us make it easy for them) 😂

How did you feel straight after? (Did you want to tell anyone, did you take in the scenery)? 

I knew I would always be shy and worries about how I would react (would I cry? would I be embarrassed if he got down on one knee?) but to be honest it happened all so fast and it’s so overwhelming that thankfully Daniel had videoed it and we got to watch it back to relive it because it’s all such a crazy exciting feeling.

I was so overwhelmed that he had had a ring designed and created for me that all my attention was on the ring at first, I was asking lots of questions until he reminded me I needed to answer him, while he was still down on one knee. 

After all the excitement and photos we took we started walking back to the car while messaging our families a photo to tell them the news, after walking we decided to go back up and just say on the rocks and took it all in and spent some time together enjoying the view and being so excited.

We then celebrated with a walk and a coffee around St.Ives.

How did you feel a couple of days after? 

We still say to each other most days “guess what……we are engaged” 🙂 It’s one of the most exciting experiences I have ever had.

How much did you and do you still stare at your ring? 

I literally found myself staring at my ring all the time, I look at it and get so excited that Daniel went through the effort to create my dream ring, I work with so many couples to create dream rings and I still can’t get over that I have my very own. 

Did you have a feeling anything was up before hand? 

Daniel’s family wanted a photo of us both so we kept saying one day we would get one, months before Daniel had said we should have it up at Tren Crom on a good day so this was something we planned to do, I had a meeting in the morning so we hadn’t walked Blue for her morning walk so we said we would go for a longer walk up there so it was kind of my idea, I did think is he going to do it but I thought I would see how calm he was and he was acting so normal and really calm so I was like no I would know. 🙃  So it went over my mind but because he was so calm and it was partly my idea to go there he got me off guard.

Any advice you can give someone who is thinking of proposing? 

Enjoy every minute of it, it’s so overwhelming and exciting that how ever you do it it will be a memorable exciting experience.

Really hope you loved reading these. Has that made you really want to give your loved one that special experience? If so and you would love to create that dream ring to make the experience even more special check out my engagement ring page to start designing a ring that is personal and perfect for them. 

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